- - - picture: Christmas card - -



Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas card

Christmas Is Coming !

Hi there here is my first card for the Forever Friends Challenge !!! The theme this fortnight is Christmas is coming !!! Our Sponsor is Whoopsi Daisy and we were given this lovely image to work with by them. (Thank you !)

I coloured the image using water colour pencils, papers are from the Christmas Past Cd. Once again I raided the Xmas decorations and added some bling !!!! The more I look at these papers the more I love them !!! Think I am going to have to use them again !!!

Come and join us in our challenge !!! It runs for a fortnight and all you need it to have an animal on your card and follow the theme of the challenge !!!

Well the nursery is ready !!! All her clothes are in drawers and the wardrobe ready for her to arrive !!! She has more clothes than I do !!! I am so grateful as I have been lent loads of clothes as one of our family members has a little girl that is now 1 !!! It really has been such a big help !!
4 weeks and 5 days to go !!! or not as the case may be !!!

Entering this in the following :

Happy crafting !!!

Hi there well its that time again for our Christmas card gang card ! This week it wasHazels turn to set the challenge and what a great one it was !!! To use either freebie stuff from magazines or something recycled !!! You can check out all of the card by visiting the gangs blogs found on my sidebar !! Of course if anyone wants to join in the fun email one of us !!

I made my card using a recycled Christmas card and the silver snowflakes are from the Christmas tree decs box I have raided !!!! All the papers are out of my scrap box too so I guess that can be counted as recycled as I didn't use any fresh ones !!! (maybe) I did add loads of glitter to the image for the snow, it sure is sparkling away sat here in the conservatory with the sun catching all the glitter on it !!!

Well I hope you all had a safe and fun bonfire night !! We did !! We stuffed ourselves infront of the bonfire with homemade parkin and bonfire toffee, yum yum !!! Oh yeah and the usual baked potato, mug of soup and hot dog roll !!!! Me still full now !!!!

Happy crafting !!!

Lets go a caroling !!!

Hi there, well first let me apologise for the pic !! It was so bright and sunny when I took it !! (I know I shouldn't be complaining at the sun shining!!!) This week at C4Ewe have a sketch challenge and we have two lovely sponsors this week !!! Bugaboo Stamps are giving 7 free digis away and Karens doodles are giving 3 free digis away !!! Come and join us !!!

I used the image Snowmen Caroling from Karens Doodles for my card colouring it with water colour pencils and glittering up the snow !!! The large white snowflakes are Christmas tree decorations !!! And I just had to use the music stamp again from LOTV. The paper is from Nitwits, Joyful hearts.

Well its mischievous night tonight ............ I know some of you are going to say what's that ??? The night before bonfire night the kids go out and play pranks on folk ........... Its not supposed to be horrid to folk but just silly !! I remember my Grandad always took the garden gate off that night as otherwise it ended up halfway down the street the next day !!! I think but aren't sure its a Northern thing ............. Anyway Taping up the letter box just in case !!!

I am entering this into the following:
Dream Valley - Anything goes
Winter Wonderland - Glitter lots of it (its all over my snowmen and snow !!)
Paper minutes - Blue and white

Have a great day !!

Well it was my turn to set the challenge for the Christmas card gang a Sketch; and this is my card.

I got this stamp a few months back and its just sat there on my desk screaming to be used, so here it is !!! Yes a House Mouse image !!! LOVE em !!! The music stamp is from LOTV (I glittered the edges but not sure it comes out on the pic!) I coloured the image using water colour pencils, used loads of glitter on it for the snow and berries, but look no other bling !!! Papers are from Nitwits, yes I am using them again cos I just love these ones !!! hehe !!! I don't have a Xmas border punch so I improvised and used a holly punch and glues them along the edge of card !!!

Hope you like it !!

I am entering this into the following challenges:
Aud Sentiments - Winter theme
Lothian Crafts - anything goes
KB cute Monday - anything goes
Forever Friends - anything goes

Hi there !!! This week at Crafts 4 Eternity we have a sketch for our challenge (below) and we are sponsored by Karens Doodles !!! She is giving 3 digi stamps for the challenge winner !!! Cool !!!

The image I used is an image from Karens Doodles, the skater !! I love this !!! Of course I had to colour her pink with my promarkers and glittered up her skirt, laces, collar, headband and gloves !!! I am just so in love with the Marianne stars I had to use them again !!! I used a wide piece of ribbon going across the card with a thinner one wrapping around it like a parcel ish .....

I have just the little girl in mind for this card for Xmas !!! Ooh my Christmas cards are getting to be a nice pile now !!!!

Gran made it through her operation !!! Yeah !!!! Amazing ........... I told her last night we had better start planning her 100th party then !!! Seems as tho nothing is going to stop her !!! So now its onto the next phase and her recovery which I know will be hard work for us all !!

Well better get baking now as I am having a 40th birthday bash this weekend !!! Mmm I drew the short straw and am doing the cooking for myself !!!! ????????????

Well I know another Xmas card !!!! BUT........ I just had to use this lovely tree dec I got from the Range !!! Its a christmas tree ornament but is flat so goes fabby on a card !!!! Papers are from Nitwits, image is LOTV from their new printed range released recently !! And no flowers on this one !!!! but I did add some bling ............ hehe !!! I tried so hard not to use bling that now I forget to look in my gems drawer !!!

Well what happened to the sunshine !!! Its cold now !!! Roll on the snow I say !!!

I am entering this into the following challenges:
Card mad fairys - too early for Xmas ?
Sparkles Forum Challenge - something that sparkles

Well I loved the card I made using the bauble nesties so I made some more !!! I used some forever friends images and they look great !!! I just love the image of the bear with the wreath !!!

I needed to do some thing with my hands and not too much concentration needed hence repeat of the design !!! Grans operation is tomorrow, so tummy all gone wobbly with nerves !!! Positive thinking !!

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