- - - picture: Christmas card - -



Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas card

Love is in the little things .......

Hi there !!!! This week over at C4E the challenge is to follow the sketch below !! We are sponsored this week by Ladybird Crafts Ink !!!!

I used a LOTV image and sentiment for this card. I actually made it straight after my Uncles card hence the colour combo !!! I was just so in the groove with the colours and paper !!! The flowers are the circles on the sketch ........ added to them is a Mariannes die cut heart and Dohickey tag !!! I inked up all the edges of the flowers and tag to go with the colour scheme. Hehe !!! I had everything out of the cupboards looking for my doilies tho !!! What a mess I made !!! Still its all put away now !!

My cousin has an anniversary in Jan so I reckon this will do for that occasion !!! Ooh I love being ahead !!! It wont last for long tho when the baby is here !!! hehe !!!

Have a great weekend everyone !!!

Oh boy !!! I didn't read this challenge right and made a card first !!! Thankfully I read it correctly in time !!! The challenge this week atC4E is to make a Christmas Decoration, no cards !!! Mmm ........ I had to think !!!

Anyway I made a tree dec, a beaded snowflake, added a metal snowflake at the bottom and used silver ribbon to hang it with !!!

Come and join us and show us your wonderful creations, this weeks sponsor is Crafty Ribbons and the prize is a selection of Christmas ribbons !!!!

This week at C4E we have a embellishment bingo recipe for you. Choose 3 squares in a row and include all 3 embellishments on your project. You may choose a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row. For example : snowflake feather and flower.

I chose a Doily, butterfly and flower for my card !!! The image is by our sponsor this week Crafty Sentiments and the Winner this week will receive Jack, Sally and Baby with teddy images! Paper is from Nitwits (suprise !!) and I added a Marianne die cut with my flowers and leaves.

Not sure who this is for, my other half asked if it was for our baby !!! Dur .......... We have a few babies due in the family so one is bound to be a girl !!! hehe !!

Well I'm off surfing the net ......... I am having to sit on my hands as I want so many yummy things for crafting and really really cant justify them ........... can I ??? Hehe !!!!

Happy Friday !!!! As its friday its that time again ............. over at C4E our challenge this week is to create a card using the colours Lilac, green and Grey ! This week we have two sponsors !! Stamping all Day who are giving away 3 downloads and theDigi Garden with 5 digi images for the winner !!! Wow !!!

Well ......... I thought oh no !!! I have no grey card ........... nothing grey at all !!! Yeah right !!! Then I started to look through my bits and found this lovely image I got earlier in the year from Craftwork Cards. Yeah the grey was sorted with the rabbit !!! Green and lilac are also on this image !!! The papers are from Nitwits the possibilities collection.

I also got to use my new stamp !!! I found this as a set of four at Doncaster its lovely to use ! Its by the Unmounted stamp company. And of course I had to add some bling !!!!

Well its back to sorting out the nursery !!! All painted now and furniture in. Just got the clothes from under my bed to put in the drawers !!! So I am off to play !!! hehe !!

happy crafting, have a great weekend !!!

Hi there, well first let me apologise for the pic !! It was so bright and sunny when I took it !! (I know I shouldn't be complaining at the sun shining!!!) This week at C4Ewe have a sketch challenge and we have two lovely sponsors this week !!! Bugaboo Stamps are giving 7 free digis away and Karens doodles are giving 3 free digis away !!! Come and join us !!!

I used the image Snowmen Caroling from Karens Doodles for my card colouring it with water colour pencils and glittering up the snow !!! The large white snowflakes are Christmas tree decorations !!! And I just had to use the music stamp again from LOTV. The paper is from Nitwits, Joyful hearts.

Well its mischievous night tonight ............ I know some of you are going to say what's that ??? The night before bonfire night the kids go out and play pranks on folk ........... Its not supposed to be horrid to folk but just silly !! I remember my Grandad always took the garden gate off that night as otherwise it ended up halfway down the street the next day !!! I think but aren't sure its a Northern thing ............. Anyway Taping up the letter box just in case !!!

I am entering this into the following:
Dream Valley - Anything goes
Winter Wonderland - Glitter lots of it (its all over my snowmen and snow !!)
Paper minutes - Blue and white

Have a great day !!

Hi there all !!! This week at C4E the challenge is to create a Magical card. We are sponsored by Beth at Stamping Dragons Designs. The winner will win 4 digi stamps this week !!! cool !!!

I used a card that had been sent to my daughter. The paper was a free one of the internet from free digital scrapbooking. I added stars and glittered up the smaller printed stars and dots to add pazzaz !!! Its a simple card today but I love them just as much as the fussy ones !!

Well best go as I quickly popped on while my other half was getting his grandaughter up. (We are baby sitting today !!! Getting some practise in !!! Hehe !!)

I am entering into the following challenges:
Charisma Cardz - Anything goes
Scrapbook Sisters - Anything goes

Hi there !!! Wow another week has gone by ........... where did it go !!! This week at Crafts 4 Eternity the challenge is to use one metal embelishment on your card. I made this anniversary card for family in the USA its not till early next year but I figured I had better get ahead as I will be a bit busy with baby then !!!!

Mmm ....... well I decided to make a smaller card than normal, this is a 6" card and I fancied a changed from the norm so decided upon an easel card ......... The papers are from Nitwits and the image is a House Mouse stamp called Tails of Love. I just love this image !!! I coloured it in using water colour pencils as I think these work great for the mice !!! The hearts are cut using the Marianne die set of hearts !! Me likes these ......... I did however refrain from sparkly bling and used the subtle pearls instead !!! I'm afraid my metal embelly isn't very unusual I didn't have much to hand and am so busy looking after Gran. (That's my excuse and I am sticking to it !!! hehe !!)

I have entered this into the following challenge:
Forever friends - anything goes

Well hope you have a great weekend and happy crafting !

Well this week at Crafts 4 Eternity the challenge is Purple and orange ............. That just screamed Halloween to me so I tried to stay away from that and do a general card in those colours .......

A quick post today from me, sorry Its hectic at the moment here !!! I used K&K flowers with butterflies I got from The Range. I made the doily using a Martha Stewart round the page punch and the image is from LOTV all glittered up of course !!!!!

Come join in the fun and show us your creations !!

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Hi there !!! This week at Crafts 4 Eternity we have a sketch for our challenge (below) and we are sponsored by Karens Doodles !!! She is giving 3 digi stamps for the challenge winner !!! Cool !!!

The image I used is an image from Karens Doodles, the skater !! I love this !!! Of course I had to colour her pink with my promarkers and glittered up her skirt, laces, collar, headband and gloves !!! I am just so in love with the Marianne stars I had to use them again !!! I used a wide piece of ribbon going across the card with a thinner one wrapping around it like a parcel ish .....

I have just the little girl in mind for this card for Xmas !!! Ooh my Christmas cards are getting to be a nice pile now !!!!

Gran made it through her operation !!! Yeah !!!! Amazing ........... I told her last night we had better start planning her 100th party then !!! Seems as tho nothing is going to stop her !!! So now its onto the next phase and her recovery which I know will be hard work for us all !!

Well better get baking now as I am having a 40th birthday bash this weekend !!! Mmm I drew the short straw and am doing the cooking for myself !!!! ????????????

Well this card sure didn't turn out to be what I set out to make !!!! I wanted to make card in the shape of a splash with the girl in the middle and on my cricut I have the words Splish Splash ............ However things are just so hectic here I couldn't get my brain to focus so I used a design I have used before sorry !!! This week at Crafts 4 Eternity the challenge is anything goes !!! This week we are sponsored by Sassy Studio Designs and the prize is 4 digi images !!! Come join in the fun !!

I made the card base using a Marianne die and the image is a Sassy Studio one !! Coloured using promarkers and inked around the edges.

Well Gran didn't get her op Tuesday as she has a chest infection !!! So we are awaiting her still going down to theatre !! Bless her.

Well Autumn sure feels like its here !!! The Lime trees down our road have been loosing leaves for weeks now !! The weather sure isn't warm any more either !!! I am tying my hand behind my back so I don't reach for the heating switch !!!!

My card is a House Mouse image with the rabbit eating the autumn apples. I coloured the image using water colour pencils, somehow I find I can work with these on these stamps so much easier than promakers !!! I downloaded the paper free from computerscrapbook.com It is from the Fall frolic collection. There are so many lovely papers there !!! The idea with the gems was to look like falling leaves across the page .......... hope it works !!! And of course the punch I used was a Martha Stewart one !!! So as I am trying to not reach for the bling stuff and flowers ........... no glitter, not a Xmas card and bling ......... mmm I guess I failed on the bling as the leaves are gems but no flowers this time !!!! hehe !!! The next card will be a Xmas one tho ................

Over at Crafts 4 Eternity this week our challenge is to create Autumn inspired projects !!! This week we are sponsored by the lovely Janet at Pink Gem Designs and the prize is a choice of 4 digis! Come and join in the fun !!!

I have entered this into the following challenges:
Scrapbook sisters - Autumn colours
paper play - Autumn leaves

Happy crafting everyone !!

Hi there. The challenge this week at Crafts 4 Eternity is to have at least one of the following on your card Leaves, a Bird/birds or Glitter !!!

Last weekend at Harrogate I got my sticky hands on one of the new lili of the valley designs. Perfect for this challenge I thought, the boy and girl are hanging up bird feeders for the robins !!! Plus there are leaves on it from the tree !!! So I glittered it up and then went in search of a paper to go with it ............ I got my paper from the Papermania Christmas Past Cd, what a great match me thought, robins and leaves all over it !!!

I know .......... another Xmas card !! Well I am trying very hard to have all my cards ready way in advance as my bundle of joy is due to arrive just before Christmas so I really need to prepared in some way !!!

Come and join in the fun ! This week's challenge is sponsored by Suzette from

And the prize is a choice of 4 digis!

Hi all !!!! This week over at Crafts 4 Eternity the challenge a colour challenge and is to be inspired by the picture below.

I used a Lili of the Valley image in blues and browns. The papers I used are scraps from my ever growing pile, the brown one is a nitwit paper but the blue well .............. sorry !! I used a primrose punch around the corner punch on the squares and the flowers are Doohickey edged with blue ink.

For my news (some of you already know this) This card is already in the hands of its recipient !!! A dear friend made me the most beautiful jacket for the baby I am expecting in December !!! So I had to make her a special card to say thank you !!! Thank you once again I know you will be reading this !!! Yes a little girl will come bouncing my way in December !!!! So I get to celebrate my 40th (too soon now) being sober, very pregnant and frumpy!!! hehe !!! As a friend said, its not important my little girl is !!!

Well I am off to the craft show at Harrogate tomorrow and cant wait to buy all those things I never knew I NEEDED !!!! My shopping list is long but the pennies are short so its prioritise !!!! Mmm ........... Ah well who needs to eat next week !!!!! hehe !!

Come and join in the challenge at C4E !!

I am entering this into challenge:
The Crafty Pad - Blue and Brown

photo source - http://thebracelethousesold.blogspot.com

This week's prize is sponsored by Nicky from

Nicky is giving the winner a choice of 3 downloads!

Hi there !!! Here is my design card for this weeks challenge over at Crafts For Eternity. This week the challenge is to follow the sketch below.

Mmm ..... I seem to be leaning to blues at the moment !! Not sure why as I usually reach for the pinks !!! The image I used is Nanny Queen from this weeks sponsor Kelly Kids. I coloured her using my promarkers, and then glittered the top of her dress, crown and shoes !!! Paper is from Nitwits, the punch used was a Martha Stewart one and flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts. The wording I found on the internet, I thought this would be great for my God daughter who is 7 soon !!!

Last day of the school holidays !!! I cant believe they have gone so fast .............. plus of course having left shoes to the last week of the hols just incase her feet grew !! Its manic getting them !!! Still I think we are all ready for a new term !!

I am entering this into the following challenges:
The paper shelter - anything goes
Scrapbook sisters - anything goes

Have a great weekend !

Hi there everyone !!! This week at Crafts for Eternity the challenge is to show us your Christmas projects !!! This is my Christmas card for my best friend, I know she doesn't look on here so I am ok listing it !!!! hehe !!!

I used a House Mouse Stamp, coloured using water colour pencils and glittered up !!! Papers are from Nitwits and the sentiment I downloaded of the internet !! I am so not good at writing verses ! As its such a large verse I thought an easel card would be more fitting ! And of course I had to add some bling too !!!! Border punch is a Martha Stewart one as are the leaves !! I hope my friend likes it !

There are two prizes again this week! at C4E come join the fun !
The first is from Heidi at
and the prize is a choice of 2 digi images!

Our second prize is from the lovely Jacqui at
Jacqui is generously giving the winner 5 digi images!!

I have entered this into the following challenges;
Christmas Card challenge - glitter (the poinsetta leaves are all glittered and the embelly ones too !!!)
Christmas Crafting - cute Christmas

I used a House Mouse image and coloured it in with water colour pencils and glittered it up !!! The flags are a digi image I got from Two Peas in a Bucket, again coloured using water colour pencils. The paper is from my scrap pile but I cut the Birthday Boy using my beloved cricut !!! The presents are from Papermania, ticket stamp is a Lili of the Valley and the tag is a Dohickey one !! Hope you like it !!! I just love House Mouse Stamps ............. I have another card to list this weekend using another image of theirs !!!

Well, not had much chance this week to make many cards, its been one of those weeks !!! Still hopefully next week will be different ............. mmm maybe not the schools arent back till the 5th Sept !!!!

RECIPE #33 PRIZE Come and join in the fun !!

The lovely Suzette is giving the winner a choice of 4 digi images!

Hi there all !!!

The challenge this week over at Crafts 4 Eternity is a Colour Recipe. Blue and cream or white using this image as inspiration !!!

Our sponsor this week is Stamping Dragon. I used Floral Frame one on my card, extending the tabs on the digi stamp across my card using ribbon ! I layered up the frame to give dimension and effect for the flowers which I glittered up with Stickles. I also used the Floral heart stamp to make backing paper with which you can see between the ribbons ! I just love butterflies so I had to add some of those to go with the paper and of course bling !!!!

I really enjoyed making this card ! It got me some peace and quiet while I did it (I think I took longer over it just to escape the bedlam in the house !!! hehe !!) Hope you like it too.
Remember to pop over and check out the other team members blogs (listed on my side bar) and come join the fun !!


We have 2 prizes this week!!
Our regular sponsor Nicky is giving one winner 3 downloads of their choice

And our 2nd sponsor Janette is offering 4 images of your choice!!

Here is a little bit about Janette:
Hi my name is Janette aka Stamping Dragon Designs/Dragons Lair Designs. I live in the UK with my two children and puddy tat. I started with Graphic Design in 2001, initially creating sig tags in AOL groups but, moved on and found digital scrapbooking. It wasn’t long before that, I started making my own kits under the Dragons Lair Designs name and the rest as they say is history. Two years ago I was introduced to digital stamps and started drawing and before I knew it Stamping Dragon Designs was born. I am now not only addicted to scrapbooking my photo's but making cards too. All I need now is more hours in a day.

Hi there Ladies !! This is my first card as a designer for Crafts 4 eternity, I am so thrilled to have joined the team !! Two other lovely ladies have joined the team tooSarah and Anne - Katrine. Go check out all the ladies blogs they are listed on my sidebar !

I just got hold of the new Polkadoodles Magical Winter CD so I just couldnt wait to use it !!! The image and papers I chose are from CD1 and is Granny Baker. I cut her out and decoupaged her up adding glitter along the way of course !!! I added
bling and flowers and some other bits I cut from other images printed on the sheet. The Punches I used for the leaves and the white flower edging are both Martha Stewart ones and the ticket stamp is from Lili of the Valley.

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